
Tough Mudder

Tough Mudder events are held throughout the UK and include 3-5 miles (12+ obstacles) and 10 miles (20+ obstacles) and endurance obstacle events. There’s even a Lidl Mudder event (1 mile muddy adventure) for the kids to take part in. 

For more information on what to expect and where to find a Tough Mudder event near you, visit the website: https://toughmudder.co.uk/

Charity ticket prices 2025:

For up-to-date information and fees for Tough Mudder 2025 please contact us. N.B. Fees will vary subject to; number of participants, availability and proximity to event date.

Event Availability:

For availability of Tough Mudder events in the North West, click here.

All other Tough Mudder UK events, click here.

N.B. We often receive charity discount prices for this event. Please get in touch with us before purchasing tickets to check availability of charity discounts.

How do I book onto an event?

  1. Check the event location and availability of the category you want to participate in (e.g. 3-5 miles or 10 miles) by clicking on the links above (North West Events or all other UK events).
  2. Call or email us to let us know what event and location you are interested in taking part in and we will email you the registration form.

Email: julie.jackson@ageconcernliverpoolandsefton.org.uk

Call: 07774 751 437