When we provide services, we want to make them easy, useful and reliable. Where services are delivered on the internet, this sometimes involves placing small amounts of information on your device, for example, computer or mobile phone. These include small files known as cookies.
These pieces of information are used to improve services for you through, for example:
- Enabling a service to recognise your device so you don’t have to give the same information several times during one task.
- Recognising that you may already have given a username and password so you don’t need to do it for every web page requested.
- Measuring how many people are using services, so they can be made easier to use and there’s enough capacity to ensure they are fast.
- This website includes links to other websites. These links are provided for your convenience to provide further information. They do not signify that we endorse the website(s). We have no responsibility for the content of the linked website(s).
If you leave your contact details then these details will only be used to contact you on the matter you contacted us about unless you provide specific authorisation to contact you more generally.
If you sign up to our newsletter you are giving us permission to store your contact information for the purposes of emailing the Age Concern Liverpool & Sefton newsletter. This permission will be assumed to last for 2 years before renewal is required.
To opt out of any or all forms of contact with Age Concern Liverpool & Sefton just email mail@ageconcernliverpoolandsefton.org.uk stating what particular form of contact you wish to opt out of or that you wish us to cease contacting you entirely.
To read our Privacy Notice click on the policy below:
You can also read our Data Breach Policy below:
To read our Data Protection Policy click on the link below:
To read our Comments, Compliments and Complaints policy click on the link below: